Cornwall Workshop

It's been some time since I discussed my plans for my photographic development and, truth be told, I'm still finding that working for a living is taking up most of my time. I came to the conclusion that part of any strategy should include some formal learning opportunities and that I also needed to set aside time just to concentrate on photography. 

While I learn something new every time I go out with my camera, the learning curve really accelerates when in a workshop or undertaking a course or similar. Workshops tend to be expensive but you must weigh up the cost against the opportunity to learn quickly from experienced professionals. 

My first workshop last week was almost life-changing. 

I fortuously chose to spend a week with Available Light Images in the shape of Alister Benn and his wife Juanli, a photography double-act par excellence based on the Isle of Skye in Scotland.

My week with them in Cornwall has set me on my way with some clear goals in terms of equipment, techniques and, most importantly, the right mental approach and thought processes when trying to capture an image.

I can see clearly now that this is something that I want to work at and improve. I came away from my time with Alister and Juanli with a much clearer idea of just what I need to do in terms of:

  • Improving my equipment, so that I will be technically capable of taking great quality images in the worst of conditions.
  • Developing my eye and brain to be able to see and understand the elements of good composition and to be able to find a composition in a scene.
  • Widening my toolbox of techniques and skills, both in-camera and on the computer, so that I can absolutely maximise the creative options offered by a good composition.

I had a great time, not just learning about the art and skills of taking images (and we spent time each day working on post processing skills) but also in the food, wine, conversation and good company.

I can recommend Alister and Juanli wholeheartedly.  Suffice to say that I have now booked another week with these guys in Scotland in 2018 ..... all part of my development strategy.


Alister & Juanli (Available Light Images)